Links for the Ides of March

No ominous portents, just few good links today. There might be a through-line on a couple of them, though.

#411: Of Models and Mentors

“what worked for me coming out of school does not necessarily work for someone in school right now. The first line in my notes says, not giving advice, just telling what happened.

Get your work recognized: write a brag document

“One thing I’m always struck by when it comes to performance review time is a feeling of ‘wait, what did I do in the last 6 months?’. This is a kind of demoralizing feeling and it’s usually not based in reality, more in ‘I forgot what cool stuff I actually did’.”

Decoder guest host Hank Green makes Nilay Patel explain why websites have a future - The Verge

“…I think a lot of the destruction we see in the media community right now is no one built an audience. They try to get traffic and then they try to sell that traffic, and they assumed that traffic would last forever.”